Saturday 1 May 2010


I had a very fab and informative session on Twitter this week with the extremely lovely and generous Sam Jones of Although I am on Twitter quite a bit, it took a session with Sam to make me realise how much I still didn't know!
I would have to say the top 10 tips I took from the session would have to have been:
1. Even when you start up, have a good idea of the types of things you would like to know, learn and hear so you can determine who to follow. Rather than just following people willy nilly.
2. Treat Twitter like you would networking in person. How do you connect with people at these events? It's not by pushing a business card or flyer in their hand and walking off, it's about sharing and showing interest in the people you're interacting with.
3. The # in front of words means that when people search for particular terms or people i.e. #muminbusiness any tweets with that particular wording will show up.
4. It's great to have a picture of you as your profile pic so people can connect with you.
5. It's okay to post the same message a few times in the same week to ensure everyone sees it. I posted a pic of my new daughter five times and Sam still missed it!
6. Don't be afraid to unfollow people if their tweets are no longer relevant. Chances are they won't even realise you've stopped following.
7. Try and use some key terms in your bio that describe you and your business as people can find you in a search that way.
8. Don't under post as you just won't come upon people's radars at all.
9. Don't over post either - no one wants to know you're eating a bacon sandwich, you finished your bacon sandwich, you washed your plate...
10. When you're starting up, look at your competitors followers and follow them also. Chances are they'll be your market too.

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