Tuesday 19 January 2010


As always, racking my brain as to what to write today and thought I would share with you a few of my time saving tips, which allows me more time to fritter away elsewhere like on blogging and Twitter!

1. I always get my daughter (3 yo) dressed first in the morning and then she has breakfast. If I'm running late or she's dawdling, breakfast can be on the go, getting dressed can't!
2. When she's having a bath, I scrub any stained clothes in the bathroom basin so I can chat to her while getting work done.
3. I plan for my business day in ad breaks the night before - and I stick to my plan!
4. I plan meals for the next few days in ad breaks and write all the ingredients down.
5. I take a pen with me to the supermarket so I can cross off what I've picked up and be sure about what I still have to get.
6. I search the BBC food website for recipe ideas as you can pop a quick meal option in thsearch engine and get ideas that don't take too long.
7. I only iron if I absolutely have to. There's a lot to be said for flicking clothes before hanging them up and hanging them up properly!
8. I organise catch ups with more than one friend at a time. Even if they don't know each other, they soon will, and it's lovely creating new groups of friends.
9. I use my diary religiously and write in everything I need to do and remember. If I call someone and leave a message, I leave a note for myself a few days on to query if they have called back.
10. I only blog once a week and leave it at that. I only look at Twitter once a day and leave one message and reply to two. I never do either on weekends.

Cheers! Alli


  1. Love idea no.8 I have lots of small groups of friends/individuals that don't know each other and it takes a lot of lunches/nights out to meet up with them all. Maybe I'll organise getting more together at one time to save a bit more time and effort.

  2. yup, I like idea no. 8 too! I often don't get around inviting people over - perhaps I should just invite them all at once sometime!
